Male/31-35. Lives in United States/Texas/Austin, speaks English. Eye color is aqua. I am great looking.
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United States, Texas, Austin, English, Male, 31-35.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What do I think about the administration media Shills?

Not alot...

It's sad indeed, but I have become so inured to this adminstration's love affair with all things Soviet (e.g. content manipulation, insider dealing, seige mentality, oligarchy) that I lack the capacity for outrage in excess of shrugging, and the phrase "well, what're you gonna do..."

I mean, I didn't vote for the guy, and I'm a liberal, (a real one, not some bullshit Hillary Clinton/John Kerry progressive or some elistist who believes "The President is stupid" is a winning campaign centerpiece) so what we're dealing with is pretty much what I expected. But I also expected that Bush would win again, owing to deepening support among voters that laughably refer to themselves as conservative even as they vote for a man who violates seemingly every principle of what a genuine American conservative said they stood for, just a generation ago.

Increasingly, they (the "conservatives") define their belief system around reflexive defense of the President and his administration. Only 10 years ago, every single Republican in the House of Representatives signed a pledge to support a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. Now the Republican adminstration and a Republican Congress has publicly and openly embraced deficit spending and a corrupt form of Keynesianism so extreme that even John Maynard Keynes himself would tremble at the implications. Of course, the background operating imperative is not economic stimulous, but the delivery of public monies into the hands of a priviledged few.

The "healthy forests" initiative gives away our trees to those who sell them. The Iraq war pays private security companies to do what infantry could do, guard duty, for 10 times the cost. What is the ANWR drilling plan but another attempt to enhance a system wherein profits are private, but expenses are shared?. Think of ANWR, Iraq, the "Healthy Forests Initiative", the "Clear Skies initiative", "No Child Left Behind", and the Social Security Plan as a huge, unbelievably lucrative publicly funded baseball stadium. Or if you prefer, think of them as part of the great collective, the big union, the animal farm. "Neo"-conservative, indeed.

But whether you are talking about the jock sniffing impulse that motivates suckers to vote for a stadium - to vicariously share in somebody else's "victory" at their own expense, or subjects of a second rate "realm" who fund a monarch and assorted progeny for the purpose of lurid entertainments in the press, or an entire political party who defines its ideals around it's chief executive's willingness to remunerate his personal loyalties, it's just a cult of personality, untethered by any ideology except a slavish devotion to the concept of authority itself.

Welcome to the Great Leap Forward.
I'll be at the bar...